It was great to be back at Red Emma’s. A few minutes
after I sat down, my fabulous host—and former collective member—Corey joined
me for iced coffee. We had a nice time catching up before the monthly social justice happy hour
began. This one was partnered with three different local trans organizations, “in
honor of the trans folks whose resistance sparked the Stonewall Riots.” The happy hour aimed “to connect with trans
organizers and projects providing services for trans people in Baltimore.” It
featured cocktail specials named after historical figures
in the trans justice movement and a selection of relevant book titles on display.

Magic (part one)
magic. It’s more than a feeling…It would be tragic if this magic doesn’t happen
again.” –Best Friends Forever
Mark drove me back to Red Emma’s where he was meeting a colleague from the CEM. I spent the rest of
the afternoon writing, eating lunch, writing some more, and drinking more
coffee. Eventually it became evening as I waited for an old college friend to
drive in from outside the city to share dinner before my event started. Corey
showed up first and we compared our respective days. As we were chatting by the
window, someone walked towards our table waving hello to me. I didn’t recognize
Amy O. at first since it had been a while, but we knew each other back in Northampton when I worked with one
of her best friends at the vegan café. Now she lives in Bloomington, IN and her
new band Brenda’s Friend was also on tour. They were playing later that night, basically on the same block, around the corner from Red Emma’s at
The Crown. It felt so serendipitous to cross paths like this and I mentioned
that fantastic Best Friends Forever song ‘Tour Magic.’ Their music is always the perfect
summer soundtrack for me. “Oh, if you’re into them,” Amy responded, “then you’ll
probably like our band too.” She had to leave to do sound-check right before my
event began, but I promised to stop by their show later.

As 7:30 approached, a tiny group of familiar faces
sat in the chairs around me so Kate asked someone to make an announcement in the
main space. It was clear that the event would be starting late (“anarchist time”)
which was fine with me. Two older women who had battled gridlock traffic due to
the city’s upcoming Artscape festival arrived with glasses of wine from the café.
Kate made another announcement which brought in a couple more people. It was time to begin.
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Photo by Corey Reidy |
After I was introduced, I gave a little background on
the project and, once again, invited everyone sitting around the circle to write
down the title of a song, an artist, album, etc. that they deeply associated
with a particular job experience. I read my stories and answered a couple
questions before opening it up. The range of music and types of work everyone shared was really interesting. From the labor classic “Bread and Roses”
back in the day to “Mathematics” by Mos Def at the auto-shop as the soundtrack to refusing the boss’
orders. Working at the Baltimore Book Festival and “Love is Love” by Lungfish
offsetting the terrible music there. Sweet memories of Neutral Milk Hotel playing
at the original Red Emma’s location (“Emma’s 1.0”). Shania Twain and other easy
listening hits from 106.5 FM which played constantly at the flower shop.
Waiting tables at an all-night diner and improvising a song about parsley to
sing to customers while serving their parsley-garnished meals. The awful and
soul-less songs that would play at the old department store, particularly “Blame
it on the Bossa Nova.” And “You’re Fired” by Strike Anywhere after listening to
the radio all day at a health food store and negotiating a new managerial position there as an anarchist.

I felt really good about the discussion. Afterwards I
got to catch up with Christa from Red Emma’s at Liam’s pub next door and then
after we parted ways I walked over to The Crown where the show was just
beginning. The opening band Nudie Suits were amazing—replete with an
interpretive dancer. I said hi to Amy and she was happy that I showed up.
Brenda’s Friend played next and they were great too, but it was getting late so
I had to head out right after their set. As we said goodbye, Amy told me they were playing in Philly
the following night and then Pittsburgh on Saturday.
“Oh yeah?” I replied. “I’ll still be in Pittsburgh then! Maybe I can go to that show too before my train leaves…”
“Oh yeah?” I replied. “I’ll still be in Pittsburgh then! Maybe I can go to that show too before my train leaves…”
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