I've been on the road for 3 weeks now. From Philly to DC, Durham to Asheville, NC. I had a great experience last Wednesday speaking with students at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa: a morning class, an afternoon workshop, and an evening lecture all exploring the role of music in our working lives.
And now, after a week in New Orleans, I am heading to the west coast for the final leg of this tour. It all starts in the San Francisco Bay Area with the second annual
Howard Zinn Book Fair this weekend! Saturday night is the
Firebrand Records book fair kick off showcase in Oakland. And on Sunday the 15th, I am doing a
panel discussion at 3:00 pm with organizers from Young Workers United on workplace struggles, music, and precarity. It should be a fun weekend in the radical spirit of Zinn.
From there, I'm doing zine readings and discussions in Oregon: At
Interzone in Corvallis on the 18th and at
Reading Frenzy in Portland on the 23rd. And I'm hoping to read at Left Bank Books in Seattle after that...stay tuned for more updates!